Frequently Asked Questions
Through a gender-sensitive and multi-stakeholder approach, MOMENTUM is a program acting on the local level to reduce the structural and cultural barriers faced by TCN women in accessing targeted vocational training and employment opportunities that are adapted to their needs. The 24-months initiative is especially focused on refugee women aged 18-35 in 5 EU member states (Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Hungary).
The target groups of the program comprise the following:
Individual third-countries national women 18-35 years old, with a focus on refugee women who have been residing in partner countries for at least 2 years and a maximum of 6 years, holding a working permit;
Grassroot migrant and refugee organisations and associations;
Public employment services providers and authorities, especially those with a focus in labour and training;
Social enterprises, Civil Society Organisations and vocational training providers;
Policy makers at national, regional and European Union level, who focus on the design and monitoring of integration policy initiatives.
MOMENTUM is taking place in 5 European Union countries: Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Hungary. Greece, Italy and Spain are the most affected by migrant flows among EU countries in the past decade - respectively, they are home to 635K, 3.4 million, and 3.1 million TCNs.
Besides their significant population of TCN, Portugal and Hungary are two EU countries with a positive and critical approach to integration, and therefore are conducive soil to pilot the program.
According to the European Commission, the social economy “encompasses a variety of businesses, organisations and different legal entities that share the objective of systematically putting people first, producing a positive impact on local communities and pursuing a social cause”. Click here to learn more about the concept and what it means in the context of the European Union.
According to the European Commission, a Third-Country National is “any person who is not a citizen of the European Union within the meaning of Art. 20(1) of TFEU and who is not a person enjoying the European Union right to free movement, as defined in Art. 2(5) of the Regulation (EU) 2016/399 (Schengen Borders Code)”.
If you are a migrant of refugee women, your age is between 18-35 years and you live in Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal or Spain, you can contact one of the MOMENTUM partners in your residence country and explore the available capacity-building opportunities to empower you in accessing the local job market.
If you are a Vocational Training Provider or a policy decision-maker from the 5 focus countries (Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain), contact the partners of the project to see how you could actively engage and benefit from MOMENTUM in your country.
And if you are active in the media sector as journalist and/or blogger, contact the partners in each country of Impact Hub for the European Level to support the visibility of the goals and impact of MOMENTUM.